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Version:  Allplan 2013, Allplan , Allplan 2015, Allplan 2012, Allplan 2014 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:12
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How can I switch registered NemSLock licenses for stand-alone workstations to NemSLock Server?


Do the following:

1) Return the registered licenses

  • Click Start -> (All) Programs -> Nemetschek -> Nemetschek SoftLock 2006 -> License Manager.
  • Click "Relocate licenses". This creates the COMPUTER_NAME.hrdwchg file. Email this file to

Tip: Click 'Browse' in the 'Send hardware change file (*.hrdwchg)' dialog box. The program creates and saves the COMPUTER_NAME.hrdwchgfile. Then Windows Explorerstarts and the folder with the hardware change file opens. Now you can use all the options provided by Windows Explorer: for example, you can attach the file to an email, copy it to a computer having Internet access and so on. Email this file to

After you have created this file, the Allplan license of your old computer is still valid for two more days.
As soon as we have removed the registration, we will send you a confirmation by email.

2) Install and configure NemSLock Server
The installation consists of the following steps:

  • Installing NemSLock Server
  • Installing and registering all licenses
  • Creating users (optional)

You can find detailed instructions at

3) Switch the clients to NemSLock Server

  • Start -> (All) Programs -> Nemetschek -> Nemetschek SoftLock 2006 -> License Manager
  • If the license server window is hidden, click "Server" at the bottom. It is a good idea to lock this window. All you need to do is click the drawing pin icon.
  • Enter the computer name or IP address of the license server in the empty box. Then click the "Update” icon to the right.
  • Now the user can select one of the seats provided. Click "Close" to complete the configuration. Now you can start Allplan.
  • After having successfully connected to the license server, clear the check boxes for the trial licenses in the area at the top.


Switching to NemSLock License Server requires an alteration to your license agreement.