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Version:  Allplan 2014, Allplan 2015, Allplan 2013 |  Last modified: 28.02.2024 08:02
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How to install and run NemSLock Server?


Before installing, check whether the package you received includes the following items:

  • Temporary licenses for NemSLock Server, e.g. 1234567a_001_psd.nslsrv
  • Temporary licenses for clients, e.g. 1234567a_001_psd_client.nslock

How to install NemSLock Server

  • Start the Setup program for NemSLock Server. You can find the latest Setup program on our FTP server:

  • Select one of the temporary license files for NemSLock Server. These licenses are valid for 30 days. However, each license includes only one seat of each configuration purchased. The full number of seats purchased will be available to you as soon as you have installed the registered licenses (see below). If you purchased a configuration for one seat only, you will, of course, receive only one temporary license.
  • When you opt for the “Custom” setup type, you can choose between the following program features:
    You can use this program to administer NemSLock Server. You can also install the console on more workstations so that you can administer the server from a number of different locations. However, you can only connect one console to the server at any one time.
    The actual license server.
    This tool analyzes the log files of NemSLock Server.

By default, Setup installs all these features.
If you have several temporary licenses for NemSLock Server, use the server console to install the remaining licenses after the installation. The procedure is described in the section "How to install licenses".

How to register licenses

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Console by clicking the corresponding icon on the desktop or by selecting Start -> All Programs -> NemSLock 2006 Server -> NemSLock 2006 Server Console.
  • Click "Modules" on the left.
  • Select the seat you want to register. If your license includes configurations for several seats, you must send a separate registration request for each seat. You will then receive a registered license file for each seat. You must install each file.
  • Click the "Registration request (register.txt)" button.
  • Click "Edit".
  • You must fill out all fields marked with an asterisk (*). Make sure you enter your email address correctly, because the registered license file will be sent to this address (and not to the address of the person who sent the registration request!). Click OK to confirm.
  • Click "Create registration request". Windows Explorer opens and shows the register.txt file. If this window is closed, you can find this file in the program folder of NemSLock Server. If you installed the program to the path proposed, the path is:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Nemetschek\NemSLock Server 2006\Programs\License
  • Now you can use all the options provided by Windows Explorer to copy the registration file to a computer with Internet access on the network. Alternatively, you can also use an USB stick. You can then email this file to us.
  • Send the email with the registration request to

How to install licenses

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Console.
  • Click "Stop server" on the left.
  • Click "Modules" on the left.
  • Click "Browse" to navigate to the registered license file.
  • Click "Install license file".
  • After this, you can start the server again by clicking "Start server".

How to set up users (optional)

  • predefined user ALLis created automatically. If there is no other user, each user is given the privileges of the user ALL. By default, this user can use all licenses but cannot check out any licenses. By double-clicking the user, you can change the user's privileges.
  • predefined user ALLallows all users to use licenses. In order to do this, the users must be able to access the server. You do not need to create individual user profiles until you want to assign specific rights to individual users or limit access to selected users. predefined user ALL. If you want to work only with individual users, you should deactivate the predefined user ALL by revoking the user's right to use licenses.
  • predefined user ALL has administrator privileges unless another user is created and appointed as the administrator. As soon as you have appointed an administrator, ALL no longer has administrator privileges.
  • You can enter users in the “Users.mcf” file. predefined user ALL has administrator privileges again. In addition, each user can once again administer the license server using the console.
  • The administrator user is not a special user. If there are several administrator users, only one administrator user can start the console for this license server at any one time.
  • If you are setting up users without giving administrator privileges to anyone, the program will ask you whether you want to appoint yourself as the administrator.

You can also specify a domain (user authentication for Windows server). However, this is not mandatory. If you do not specify a domain, the program uses the Windows user name for each user.

The program writes the user accounts and the associated access rights as ASCII text to the users.mcf file.

You can find this file in the \Programs folder of the NemSLock Server installation. You cannot rename, delete or move this file. If the program can no longer connect to this file, you must exit NemSLock Server, restart it and enter all users again from scratch. predefined user ALLis retained.

Experienced administrators can use the PowerShell script NemGenUsers.ps1. This file is in the \Programs folder of the NemSLock Server installation or you can find it as an FAQ in Allplan Connect:

How to install and configure clients

  • Use one of the nslock license files you received to install the clients. Do not use the trial license or the license server license. It is irrelevant which of the client licenses you use, as the actual license will come from the license server later.
  • You do not need to register the clients.
  • When switching from Hardlock to NemSLock (server), you need to update the client using a nslock license file.

After having installed the client, you need to switch to the license server:

  • Start -> (All) Programs -> Nemetschek -> Nemetschek SoftLock 2006 -> License Manager
  • If the license server window is not visible, select "Configure NemSLock Server" at the bottom. Lock this window. All you need to do is click the drawing pin icon.
  • Enter the computer name or IP address of the license server in the empty box. Then click the "Update” icon to the right.
  • Now the user can select one of the seats provided.
  • After having successfully connected to the license server, clear the check boxes for the trial licenses in the area at the top.
  • Click "Close" to complete the configuration. Now you can start Allplan.


  • If a user selects several configurations for a seat and starts Allplan, the license server will provide the required licenses; in other words, starting Allplan once might require two licenses. Consequently, fewer licenses are available to other users.
  • 2014-1 and later: If the latest version of License Manager is installed (file version 1. 0. 26. 153 or later, see License Manager- Options- System), you can also select several licenses. If one of the selected licenses is currently being used by someone else, the program will automatically select the next available license.
  • Clients communicate with the server by TCP/IP via port 10977. So you need to configure the firewall accordingly.
  • The license server and the licenses are downward compatible; they can be used in conjunction with older Allplan versions.