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Version:  Allplan 2022, Allplan 2023, Allplan 2024 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:59
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In a network installation, in addition to the program folder located locally on the respective workstation computer, there is a central file storage folder on the data server via which all users can access the office standard and all projects.

How is a new installation of several Allplan workstations with a central file storage on a dedicated server carried out?
What are the requirements?
How is the workgroup manager installed if the license includes it?

1. Preparation

Server operating system or system requirements:

When selecting the data server to be used, please refer to our system requirements. We recommend
Windows Server 2022. Also check whether the system requirements are met on the clients and perform a system test on them.
The system requirements and system test can be found here:

We explicitly point out that NAS (Network Attached Storage) is only supported on the basis of Windows Storage Server.
DFS (Distributed File System) with Allplan is not supported; it can lead to crashes, deadlocks and deleted files.

Share structure

Allplan works with UNC path. This means that for a network installation, the central file storage on which Allplan 2022 is to be installed must have a folder that is shared by all computers with full access.
Before installing Allplan, create a folder on the server (e.g. Data) and share this folder with everyone with full access (e.g. as Data). Create an Allplan subfolder under it. (e.g., \Server\Data\Allplan). Point to this path during installation.

Allplan Download:

Download the version as an installation package. You can do this via Allplan Connect at

or from our Webdrive at the following link:

The current full download is located in the folder /Allplan/2022

2. Installation on the first workstation:

Log on as administrator on the workstation where Allplan 2022 is to be installed.

Double-click AllplanSetup.exe in the folder that you used to unpack the installation package.
Confirm the welcome screen with Start setup. Confirm the terms of the software license agreement displayed in the following License Agreement dialog box by clicking Agree.
On the General tab of the Settings dialog box, select the country-specific settings to be installed under Select country and the language for the Allplan user interface under Select language.

Note: The country and language that are set for the operating system on the workstation in question are suggested. If the country and/or language are not recognized, English is used. Please avoid selecting unnecessary countries or languages, as this will greatly increase the data volume to be installed.

Now select the target paths in which the programs and files of Allplan 2022 are to be installed.

Program folder: Specify the folder for the program files. Normally, it is not necessary to change the folder suggested here. In any case, the program files must always be installed locally on each workstation.
Central file storage folder: Specify as the central file storage folder the folder created and shared on the data server as described in section 1. (e.g. \Server Data File Folder).

Click Install. The installation of Allplan 2022 is started.

Note: If the installation could not be completed successfully, you will receive a corresponding message. In this case, you will find the file Error Report of in the folder C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp. The file contains important information that you can pass on to ALLPLAN GmbH Technical Support if you need to contact them.

In certain cases, you will be prompted to restart the computer after completing the installation of Allplan 2022. In this case, restart the computer and log in again after the restart as the local administrator or as a user with administrator rights.

2a. Installation with the Workgroup Manager option
(If your license does not include this option, go to step 3).

If your license includes the Workgroup Manager option, please proceed as follows before installing the other workstations.
Start Allplan 2022 once immediately after installing the first Allplan workstation in the network and then stop it again. Then activate the workgroup manager directly as follows.

To do this, start Allmenu 2022 on the first computer.
Call up Allplan Diagnostics. Allmenu->Service->Allplan Diagnostics
In Allplan Diagnostics, select the Settings tab and check "Workgroup Manager" in the Workgroup Settings area. Click on Set. The workgroup manager is now activated.

If the check mark for "Workgroup Settings" cannot be activated, it is because the central file storage folder "Net Path" is not entered in a UNC-compliant manner. (e.g.: \\Servername\Daten\Allplan). Change this if necessary. Under "Browse" the UNC name of the new server (e.g.: \\Servername) or the complete path (e.g.: \Servername) can be entered in the opening browser.
(e.g.: \\Servername\Daten\Allplan) and confirm with Enter. Select your central file storage folder and confirm with "OK".
Even if the central file storage folder is located locally on the same computer, the path must be entered as UNC address!

Exit Allplan Diagnostics by clicking Close.
Allmenu now additionally contains the Workgroupmanager menu.

2b. Creating the Allplan users

As a result of the initial installation, the installing Windows user is created in Allplan as a user with administrator rights. On the first installed workstation, create all other Windows users of the other workstations as Allplan users in the workgroup manager:

Allmenu -> Workgroupmanager -> Manage users -> Right click -> Create user.

Under "User name", a freely selectable Allplan user name with up to 8 characters in length can be assigned.
Under "Windows user name", the user name that the user uses when logging on to the computer must be specified.

Important: If the user logs on to the computer via a domain, this must also be specified under "Windows user name", e.g.: DOMAIN\User
Under "User group" the administration right can be granted:
Administrator" must be selected in the drop-down menu. Existing users can thus also be granted administration rights at a later date.

3. installation on the other workstations

Now install Allplan 2022 on all the other workstations as described above under "2. Installation on the first workstation". Enter the folder created and released in step 2 for the central file storage on the data server as the central file storage folder. (e.g. \Server DataAllplan).

Note: If the Workgroup Manager was activated after the first workstation was installed (see step 2a.), it is automatically activated on all other Allplan workstations installed in the same network by selecting the Central file storage folder.


Detailed installation instructions can also be found at the following link: