Question 1:
I am using a loop to create reinforcement models in batches, such as placing a longitudinal rebar 12 times in a loop, where length, count, and placement coordinates are variables. However, after creating them, they are not all different. For example, if the length is the same for all 12 iterations in the loop, all rebars will have only one position identifier, making it impossible for me to distinguish them. I hope to reflect that they are 12 groups of rebars in different positions when exporting the .abs file. Is there a solution? Can I customize the position identifier? (This attribute does not work in the placement function, even if a different position identifier is entered each time.) Is there a way to write other custom attributes to the rebar model to distinguish each placement? If so, can such custom attributes be written to the .abs file?

Question 2:
When creating rebar, I used the SweepBarAlongPath method and methods to place use two polygons of different sizes. How can I obtain the length and count of the placement before ending the script with ESC?