Support Forum

[Question] Text properties in reinforcement reports...

  • Reinforcement
  • Report
  • Reinfocement
  • Text
  • Allplan
  • 2022


1. where exactly can I modify text properties of highlighted text in reinforcement reports?
2. where exactly can I modify text properties of bar-end marks? in advance not afterwards

Thank you for any information.

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You can predefine the text properties for in a report in the Options, like shown in the picture.
For the bar-ends it is not possible as far as I know. It is still a default setting only determined by Allplan itself. Only afterwards you can change things like you mentioned.

Hope this helps you.

Kind regards,


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Thanks for answer.
In my experience, the settings are not consistent.
for example: for the text of grafic cell in reinforcement report it takes text heiht from one setting value and text style from another.
I suppose, that's not, what it should be.

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Hi Marko,

I totally agree with you. I hope they will adapt this in the near future because it is quite a search to find out where things are defined. The thing you mention is indeed a bug I think. It should be taken from 1 place but now it is taken from 2-3 placed depending on the style of dimensions you choose. The bar-end setting is even worse and nowhere to predefine. That definitely they should add!

Kind regards,


Sure, maybe copmplete revision of reinforcement settings are needed.
Half of settings in Options->Reinforcement are not nessesery (from Allplan 2015 onwards), because there are properties palettes with the same settings. It makes work confusing. Especialy if you are using Allplan WGM. (problems described in another topics)
Also I hope they will adopt that. Based on responses so far, i'm not optimistic.