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 Last modified: 27.02.2024 11:01
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What license issues do I need to consider when upgrading from Allplan 2021/2022/2023 to Allplan 2024?


Installation options during Setups

Upgrade - program update with transfer of all project data, office and user settings.
The existing Allplan installation is upgraded to version 2024. If several Allplan versions are installed, only the latest version will be suggested for upgrade.  Projects, office and user settings are automatically transferred from 2021/2022/2023 to Allplan 2024. Allplan 2021/2022/2023 is then no longer available.

New installation without transfer of project data, office and user settings:
Existing Allplan installations remain unchanged. Office and user settings are not transferred to version 2024. You can import projects after installation using the following Allplan function:
New project, open-> Import projects.

New installation with transfer of office and user settings:
Existing Allplan installations remain unchanged. Office and user settings are automatically transferred from 2021/2022/2023 to version 2024. In the case of multiple installed Allplan versions, only the most current version is suggested for transfer. If you have installed with a central file store, make sure that you create a folder with a suitable share on your central file store (server) beforehand. This folder can then be selected as the "central file storage folder" during setup. You can import projects after installation with the following Allplan function:
Project new, open-> Import projects.

Depending on the licensing system you use, you need to consider different points.

There is no license request when installing Allplan 2024. Therefore, make sure in advance that your licenses are also suitable for this version, e.g. by purchase or a valid service contract.

1. Upgrade Allplan 2024 – stand-alone workstation

Your license for Allplan 2024 will be updated after installation, when you start Allplan 2024 for the first time. Start Allplan 2024 and you will be prompted to update the license. Select "Update now" here. The license is updated online. You can then start Allplan 2024 directly or close the license window.

Note: To install Allplan 2024 on a new computer, please read on within the menu item Information on Installation and Licensing the instructions Transferring license to a new computer.

You can find your Product Key in Allplan Connect as usual. Go to:

2. Upgrading Allplan 2024 with a license server

Start by updating your license(s) at the license server. After this, upgrade the clients. To do this, start the License Settings program on the server. Click License Activation on the left, and then click the license you want to update. Click Update License.
After the license(s) update, you can perform the Allplan upgrade installation on the client computers.

NOTE: Check the version of your installed license server on the server. Starting with the license server version 2016-1-4, the detailed version status (Build-ID) is displayed directly in the lower left corner of the License Settings program.
At least version should be displayed here. If an older Build ID is displayed, then you still have an older license server in use. In any case, please update your license server. Download the software for the license server from the Allplan Connect service portal. Detailed instructions can be found at under the menu item Information on installation and Licensing' and the instructions 'Updating license server and licenses'.

Note: You can update the licenses only at a license server you have already installed. If you want to switch to Allplan 2024 and move the license server to a new server, please read on within the menu item Information on Installation and Licensing the instructions Moving license server to a new server.

You can find your Product Key in Allplan Connect as usual. Go to: