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Version:  Allplan Exchange |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 10:47
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This FAQ is valid from 24.04.2023, from then on a new Allplan Exchange Online Service will be available to you.




I would like to start with Allplan Exchange. 
First steps in Allplan Exchange work.




Important note : 


Before you start with the first steps in a new system, it is good for you to know whether the data can also be deleted. The answer to this is YES. When you start saving your first projects and documents online, you can delete them after a test run.


It is up to you to delete the centrally stored data at any time; with the deletion, access is withdrawn from the project participants.






The following simplified representation shows that some steps are carried out once and further steps are repeated for each project.




By registering in Connect, you will receive a valid USER account for all our online services (such as BIMPLUS and EXCHANGE) , allowing you to log in to Exchange:



Logging in should be possible in any case if you have a USER account.
The use of your own COMPANY account depends on your licence.
If you are unable to continue from here, please contact your


sales partner : LINK =


If you already have a licence, you can continue with the next points






The first user is automatically authorized to invite members to the Exchange account and to define their roles in the Exchange account.
a) In the main menu, select "PROJECTS" | b) select the "INFO BUTTON" | c) here you will see the list of your current MEMBERS | d) you can add more by clicking on the ADD MEMBERS button | e) simply enter the email address, select a language (from the recipient) and a COMPANY ROLE, click on "Send" to finalize the invitation


The newly invited member will receive an email and can complete the registration of his personal account.





Remove member : 


If you want to remove a member, simply click on the icon with the cross (see picture #f) in the corresponding line. A member will then be removed from your company account and will also be removed from all projects in your company account so that the former member can no longer access your data.




The first project can be created online:


a) In the main menu, select "PROJECTS" | b) Select the icon for "CREATE NEW PROJECT" | c) Enter a name e.g. "MY FRIST STEP" and click on Create | d) You will receive a message that a new project has been created | e) You will find the new project in the overview,
TIP: You have automatically been created as a project participant with the highest project role "Manager" and can therefore continue with step 4.

Delete project : 


If you want to delete a project, simply click on the icon  (see image #f) in the corresponding line. The project will be deleted along with all existing documents, so you and any Project members will no longer have access to the project data. Please note that this step cannot be undone. 
You will be see a message and must explicitly confirm that you have taken note of this.






You can select the project participants from the group of company members (already created under point 2); by entering a name or email you will automatically receive default values. Select a company member and assign a project role at the same time.


a) In the main menu, select "PROJECTS" | b) Select a project from your account. | c) Switch to the "PARTICIPANTS" tab | d) Click on the "Add project participants" function | e) Simply enter the name or email here, you will receive default values for selection, at the same time you can select the corresponding project role and click on "Add" | f) In the list of project participants you will also see their role, which can be changed at any time.
The project participants now have access to the project and all plans that you will send to the project participant.




Remove project participant : 


If you want to remove a project participant, simply click on the icon with the cross (see image #g) in the corresponding line. A project participant is then removed from the project assignment and can no longer access the project data.






LOGIN: Now start Allplan CAD and open your desired CAD PROJECT. a) Switch to the Plan layout area | b) Start the "Allplan Exchange" function | c) The Allplan Exchange dialogue opens | d) Click on "Log in" to use the advantages of the Allplan Exchange online function | e) In the login dialogue, enter the same login data as on the website| f) When logging in to this CAD project for the first time, you will automatically be asked for the assignment, select the desired Allplan Exchange account and the PROJECT previously created online, e.g. "MY FRIST STEP".



a) LEFT: select the plans to be exported from the plan overview | b) MIDDLE : define the file formats for each recipient | c) RIGHT: see the expected results of your selection for each recipient.  | d) Click on EXPORT to create the file formats and send them immediately.






The recipients automatically receive an email notification and are authorised to download the plans centrally online and at the same time the plans are automatically versioned.
In the "INBOX" overview, every registered recipient can download all the documents that have been sent to them. 
And this is how the download works:


a) A recipient can log in to Allplan Exchange on the website | b) The INBOX is the first page you see after logging in | c) Individual or multiple entries can be downloaded - simply select them | d) and click on DOWNLOAD e) A message informs you of the successful action f) The icon in the table visualizes via the color change whether the entry has already been downloaded or not.






Allplan Exchange records all history information for each file, e.g. : Upload, sender, recipient and download.
A project-related report output clearly shows the history of all plan versions, their history and their history information.


a) In the main menu, select "PROJECTS" | b) Select a project from your account. | c) You are automatically on the overview of the project documents, select the button "REPORT" | d) The report opens in another browser tab and you can see the entire project history. You can print this display with the usual browser functions or save it as a PDF.





The following data deletions can be found in the corresponding sections 

  • Remove company members, see section (2) COMPANY MEMBERS
  • Delete project, see section (3) PROJECT
  • Remove project participants, see section (4) PROJECT PARTICIPANTS
  • Individual documents or document versions can be found here in this section




Delete documents including all document versions


a) In the main menu, select "PROJECTS" | b) Select a project from your account. | c) You will automatically be taken to the overview of project documents | d) Select the document or several documents to be deleted | e) Select the button with the three dots and the DELETE option | f) You will receive a message that the document including its versions and history information will be deleted. Please note that this step cannot be undone.




Delete a single document version


Now you only have to navigate down one level more, but the principle is the same as when deleting a document, except that only one version is deleted here. This is useful, for example, if you have accidentally uploaded something and only want to remove these versions from distribution.


a) In the main menu, select "PROJECTS" | b) Select a project from your account. | c) Y You will automatically be taken to the overview of project documents | d) Click on the document containing the versions | e) A side panel opens | f) Here you will find the "Versions" button | g) For better orientation, the breadcrumb menu also helps you and shows which document you have selected | h) Now select the version to be deleted "e.g. Index C" | i) Select the button with the three dots and the DELETE option | j) You will receive a message that the document version including its history information will be deleted. Please note that this step cannot be undone.



We hope you have fun with Allplan EXCHANGE