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Version:  Allplan 2017, Allplan 2019, Allplan 2016, Allplan 2018, Allplan 2021, Allplan 2020 |  Last modified: 26.06.2024 13:44
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Does Allplan create backup files (*.bak)?
How can I use these files?


Allplan creates backup files when you do the following:

  1. Copy, Move Elements between Documents …
    Allplan creates a backup file of the destination drawing file or layout.
  2. Deleting drawing files and layoutsin the "Open on a project-specific basis" dialog box
    If you have selected "Create backup copies of drawing files", Allplan creates a backup file of the drawing file or layout.
  3. Importing data to drawing files
    If you have selected "Create backup copies of drawing files", Allplan creates a backup file of the drawing file.

Note on points 2 and 3:

To select the "Create backup copies of drawing files" option, click
Tools -> Options -> Desktop environment -> Save/load area (until V2009 Global Options -> Miscellaneous -> Autosave, Backup)->Create backup copies of drawing files.


If need be, you can restore the original drawing file or layout.
Make a note of the drawing file number or layout number and determine the corresponding project folder as follows:
Services application -> Service -> Hotline Tools -> wopro

Open this folder in Windows Explorer.

Rename the corresponding drawing file "tb000001.ndw" "tb000001.ndw.old" or the corresponding layout "pb000001.000" "pb000001.000.old.", for example.
Delete the bak extension from the corresponding bak file.

Example 1:

You have inadvertently copied the wrong elements to drawing file 4711.
1st step: exit the project in Allplan.
2nd step: delete file tb004711.ndw or rename it tb004711.ndw.old.
3rd step: find file tb004711.ndw.bak and rename it tb004711.ndw.

Example 2:

You have inadvertently copied the wrong elements to layout 815.
1st step: exit the project in Allplan.
2nd step: delete file pb000815.000 or rename it pb000815.000.old.
3rd step: find file pb000815.000.bak and rename it pb000815.000.


These backup files can considerably increase the volume of data to be backed up. So it is a good idea to delete the .bak files you no longer require before you start backing up data. To delete the .bak files, you can select the Services application and click Utilities -> Delete temporary files.

You can also find this information in the help for Allplan. Please refer to the topic "Using bak files".