
Support Filter
Version:  Allplan 2020 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:19
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Allplan no longer starts after a Windows update. A message appears stating that: Vulkan-1.dll cannot be found. How can the problem be solved?


If the Allplan Setup was unpacked in your local default path during installation, you can access the contents. At
C:\Benutzer\Öffentlich\Öffentliche Dokumente\Allplan 2020\ISSetupPrerequisites\{E9D9A080-CAE1-4890-88C9-E403DDB4D156}
is the VulkanRT- file.

Alternatively, you can find the file at:
in the following folder.
(Click on the three dots to the right of the file size and select download).

Execute this file bypassing the user account control by clicking with the right mouse button on the file VulkanRT- -> Execute as administrator.
The problem should then be solved and Allmenu and Allplan should start correctly again.


VulkanRT is used from Allplan 2020 for addressing the graphics card. Allplan 2019 does not use this technology and is therefore not affected by the problem.
The error message appears both when starting the Allmenu, when creating a support request via the Hotinfo and when starting Allplan 2020.
Allplan_2020.exe appears in the task manager for a short time. The process is then terminated again