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You want to get an overview of which Product Keys are valid for your respective workstations. Which ones are already assigned and on which of your computers the licenses are activated


You can find a summary of this information in our Allplan Connect service portal
(only possible with admin access to your company network, normal users in Allplan Connect do not have this access):

Call up the following link and log in to Allplan Connect.

On this page you can view the following information:

  • WS/License number
  • Product
  • Product key with Allplan package
  • A symbolic indicator whether the license is activated or free. The up arrow means the license is activated, the down arrow means the license is free.
  • The last change when the license (or the last license update to the license) was activated.
  • CodeMeter Container, in which Codemeter Container the license with this product key is activated on your computer.

But there is more information available:

  • By pressing the button "Get license details for this product key" you can also view the computer name on which the product key is activated and other details such as expiration date and options.
  • By pressing the button "Get license details for all product keys" this is done for all your product keys.

Note: Since it is a live query each time, it may take a few seconds before the result is displayed.

The license overview in Allplan Connect always gives you an up-to-date overview of who in the office is currently using which license and which license may also be free and can now be used.

Additional tip: You can find out the computer name of your computer quickly and easily using the Allmenu/Services. The computer name is displayed directly there


Please note that no license can be activated or deactivated via this page. You can only activate a license directly on the computer on which the license is to be used.
For instructions on how to transfer a license or activate it on another computer, please refer to the following instructions.