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Version:  Allplan 2017, Allplan 2019, Allplan 2020, Allplan 2018, Allplan 2016 |  Last modified: 28.02.2024 08:02
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I purchased a new license and received a Product Key for Allplan. However, I use earlier Allplan versions with NemSLock server in my office. How can I install Allplan 2015 or an earlier version despite the new license? How can I activate the license on NemSLock server?


Allplan 2016 introduced a new protection system. Since then licensing has been based on CodeMeter by Wibu Systems AG. You can no longer use NemSLock server with Allplan. For running Allplan, you get a Product Key by email. Using this key, you can activate your license online.

This new license is not downward compatible. Consequently, you cannot use it for earlier Allplan versions.

If you want to install Allplan 2015 or an earlier version, use a trial license to install the version you need.

Downloading Allplan:
Make sure the Allplan version you install is always up-to-date. In other words, it should include the latest hotfixes and service releases.
You can download the current Allplan version from Allplan Connect or the FTP server.
Downloading from Allplan Connect:

FTP server:
Copy this link and paste it into the address bar of Windows Explorer. Then press ENTER.
This opens the folder on our FTP server.

Go to /download/Allplan/2015/CD (choose the path in accordance with the version you need) and select the appropriate file. Then click Edit -> Copy (Ctrl+C).
Switch to a folder on your computer and select Edit -> Paste (Ctrl+V).
Extract the ZIP file. Right-click the EXE file and select "Run as administrator".
Deactivate the virus scanner during installation.

1. Install Allplan with a trial license
Install Allplan. In the 'Select License Information' dialog box, choose 'Trial license for temporary use' and select the license for 'Architecture' or 'Engineering'.

Important: If you work with Workgroup Manager, select 'Different trial license' -> 'Next'. Open the Workgroup folder for your country and select the appropriate license. Then follow the instructions and install Allplan. Make sure you enter the paths correctly.

2. Use NemSLock server to request a registered license for the new seat

If you have not used a license server until now, install the license server using the trial license for NemSLock Server.

Installing NemSLock Server

  • Start the Setup program for NemSLock Server. You can find the latest Setup program on our FTP server:

  • The trial license is also on the FTP server: 2015 Nemslock Server Trial.nslsrv

  • Select the trial license file for NemSLock Server. This license is valid for 30 days, but it includes only seat. The full number of seats purchased will be available to you as soon as you have installed the registered licenses (see below).
  • Select the full installation.
  • If the service does not start automatically after Setup, select Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services and start the Nemslock Server 2006 service.

Registering licenses

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Consoleby clicking the corresponding icon on the desktop or by selecting Start -> All Programs -> NemSLock 2006 Server -> NemSLock 2006 Server Console.
  • Switch to Moduleson the left.
  • Select one of your seats.
  • Click the Registration request (register.txt)button.
  • Click Edit.
  • Fill out all fields marked with an asterisk (*). Make sure you enter your email address correctly, because the registered license file will be sent to this address (and not to the address of the person who sent the registration request!). Click OKto confirm.
  • Click Create registration request. Windows Explorer opens and shows the register.txt file.
    If you have closed Windows Explorer, you can find the file in the program folder of NemSLock Server. If you installed the program to the path proposed, the path is
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Nemetschek\NemSLock Server 2006\Programs\License.
  • Use an editor to open the new register.txt file.

You can find the entry for your seat in line @23@seat:. Change it and enter your new seat number instead. For example, if you purchased seat 08, change the entry to @23@seat: 08. Save the file.

  • You can now use all the options provided by Windows Explorer to copy the registration file to a computer with Internet connection. You can do this on the network or you can use a USB stick. You can then email the file to us.
  • Send the email with the registration request to
  • You will promptly receive your registered license for the new seat.

Installing licenses
Exit Allplan on all workstations.

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Console.
  • Click Stop serveron the left.
  • Switch to Moduleson the left.
  • Click Browse and select the registered license file.
  • Click Install license file.
  • After this, you can start the server again by clicking Start server.


If you purchased several new licenses, you have to generate and send a separate registration request for each seat. Just repeat the steps described above. You will then receive a registered license file for each seat. You must install each file.