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Version:  Allplan |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:18
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Why do the toolbar icons and crosshairs disappear?


As the on-screen display is filtered by the vertical synchronization of the Nvidia driver, the toolbar icons and crosshairs disappear after some time. This problem often occurs when you switch from the layout editor to drawing file edit mode.

To solve this problem, you need to permanently switch off vertical synchronization in the Nvidia Control Panel. Start by installing the latest Nvidia graphics card driver, which you can find at the following link:

Install the driver with administrator privileges and restart the computer after the installation.

To switch off vertical synchronization in the driver, do the following:

Click on the desktop with the right mouse button -> Nvidia Control Panel-> 3D Settings-> Manage 3D Settings.

Scroll down in the settings of the global profile of the Nvidia driver and set "Vertical Synchronization" to "Off". Then click "Apply".

Now vertical synchronization is no longer used, and the icons and crosshairs stay visible.


Vertical synchronization is not required for other programs such as Excel or Powerpoint.
But it is useful for games, movies or 3D objects that move quickly.