
Support Filter
Version:  Allplan 2021, Allplan 2022, Allplan 2023, Allplan 2024 |  Last modified: 07.03.2024 15:52
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What does this error message mean and how can I fix it? How can I change the path and switch from server to local?


For the use of Allplan Share, a defined path for the "LocaldataPath" is used for the temporary storage of the project data to be edited. Since Allplan 2021, a default setting has been made that the LocaldataPath should always be in the Windows user. However, for customers who place their users on the server or in the cloud, the problem arises that 80 characters are exceeded. There is a possibility to change this path to local by creating a registry entry.


The procedure described below is carried out at your own risk.
Questions about this should definitely be clarified before practical implementation.
Always make a copy of a file before making changes to it.
Before changing registry entries, create a backup of the registry key to be modified by exporting the key in the registry editor under File->export....
We recommend that this work be carried out by an experienced technician.

Proceed as follows:

Be sure to close Allplan before making the change so that no data loss or errors can occur.

1. Create a new folder on a local drive C: or D: of the computer used for Allplan with the name "Local data" and the subfolder "Allplan" (e.g. C:\Local data\Allplan) .
2. In Windows, as administrator, start the Windows Registry Editor (Start-> Run-> Regedit).
3. In the registry, open the key of your version in the left column:
or e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nemetschek\Allplan\2022.0\InstallRoot
4. In the right-hand window, click with the right mouse button and select New -> String.
Create a string with the name LocalDataDrive and a string with the name LocalDataPath.
5. In the right column of the registry editor, double-click the left mouse button to activate the edit mode for the "LocalDataDrive" key and enter the drive you have selected for the local file storage (e.g. C: ) and confirm the change with "OK". The change in the registry editor is then applied.
6. Then activate the editing mode for the key "LocalDataPath" in the right column of the registry editor by double-clicking the left mouse button and enter the additional path defined for the local file storage (e.g. \LocalDataPath ) and confirm the change with "OK". The change is then adopted in the registry editor. The result should look like this:

7. Close the Registration Editor. Allplan now uses the newly defined path for the Allplan Share cache.
Restart the Allmenu and you will see the local path displayed there.