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Version:  Allplan 2023, Allplan 2021, Allplan 2022 |  Last modified: 28.04.2023 04:49
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How can I change the cache path for Allplan Share?


You do this at your own risk.
We strongly recommend that you clarify all issues in advance.
Always copy a file before you change it.
Before you change registry entries, back up the registry key that you want to modify. To do this, export the key by selecting File - Export in the Registry Editor.


Allplan Share temporarily saves the project data in the path of the local file storage, which you defined when you installed Allplan.
You can see the path of the local file storage folder in the Services application.
If this folder is centrally on a server for all Allplan workstations:
To avoid replication conflicts that might occur when several users work on the same project data, you must change the path settings for each user so that this folder is locally on the user’s computer running Allplan.

Before you start, close Allplan, making sure that you do not lose any data.

  1. Go to a local drive (C or D) of the computer running Allplan and create the new "Local data” folder with the "Allplan” subfolder (for example, C:\Local data\Allplan).
  2. Start the Windows Registry Editor as the administrator (start - run - regedit).
  3. Go to the left column of Registry Editor and open the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nemetschek\Allplan\2018.0\InstallRoot. If Allplan 2019 or a newer Allplan version is installed, “2019.0“ or the newer version replaces “2018.0” in the path.
  4. Go to the right column of Registry Editor and double-click theLocalDataDrivekey. Specify the drive that you selected for local file storage (for example, C:). Then click OK to confirm the change. This applies the change.
  5. Then, go to the right column of Registry Editor again and double-click theLocalDataPathkey. Specify the path that you defined for local file storage (for example,\Local Data\Allplan). Then click OK to confirm the change. This applies the change. The result should look like this:
  6. Close the Registry Editor. Allplan now uses the new path for the cache of Allplan Share.
  7. Start Allplan and select the Allplan Share project to load the necessary project data into the new cache.