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Version:  Portal Allplan Connect |  Last modified: 22.03.2024 06:41
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1. What is a company network?

As a customer, you can create a "company network" in Allplan Connect.
People who are assigned to your company network also enjoy the functional scope of Allplan Connect. 
As an administrator, you can invite and accept employees to your Allplan Connect company network, but you can also remove people who have already been assigned. You can become an administrator by registering with your customer number and entering your admin key on the Company network profile page.
The customer number is not a mandatory field and can also be entered in your profile at a later date. You will find further information on the customer number when you enter it using the small question mark. 
However, only correct customer numbers can be entered in the "Customer number" input field, or more precisely: only valid customer numbers are saved. If the "Customer number" field is still empty after saving, the number you entered was not valid.
You can find your customer number in the Allplan menu in the "Information" area or in the "?" help function of the Allplan CAD software under "About Allplan".

2. What is an administrator?

The administrator is an employee within an office who is authorised to create an Allplan Connect company network. As an administrator in Allplan Connect, you have extended rights to set up an Allplan Connect company network, invite people, confirm or reject connection requests from people to an existing company network, but also to remove people who have already been assigned to a company network.

3. How do I become an administrator in Allplan Connect?

You can only become an administrator if you are an Allplan customer and confirm your customer number using the Admin Key:

4. What is an admin key?

The Admin Key is a 16-digit character string. Persons who receive the matching Admin Key for a customer number can become the administrator of the customer-related company network in Allplan Connect.
Each Admin Key is only valid in conjunction with your customer number and can only be used once. If you require an additional Admin Key, you must apply for this and we will send it to you personally.

5. How do I get an admin key and where can I enter it?

You can obtain the admin key in the "Company network" area in Allplan Connect:

This can be entered here after receipt:

6. Can I log in to Allplan Connect without an admin key?

Anyone who is interested in the Allplan software, is already a user or is simply looking for information about Allplan can join Allplan Connect. Registration is free of charge and Allplan Connect users can access all areas even as an interested party.

7. Can there be several administrators in my network?

As soon as another user confirms a customer number using the admin key, this user is also an administrator in the corresponding company network. As an administrator, you have the option of removing any other administrator from the company network. You can request additional AdminKeys here:

If your administrator leaves the company, is on holiday for a longer period or is otherwise occupied, you always have the option of operating all admin functions thanks to multiple administrators.

8. Have you entered the admin key incorrectly five times?

If you have mistyped your admin key five times, you can activate your customer number as follows:

1) An admin already exists in your company network
Send your company admin a connection request by contacting your company admin under Company network profile.

2) You are opening a new company network
In this case, please contact our support team at:

9. How can I join an existing company network?

To join a company network, you need your company's customer number. You can enter this in the relevant field when you register or under myProfile. The administrator of your company network must then confirm your membership. You can inform your administrator of your connection request by contacting your company administrator under Company network profile.

10. Help in Allplan Connect

On the following page you will find help on Allplan Connect:

- Allplan_Connect_Firmennetzwerk.pdf (369 KB)