License server - borrowing licenses temporarily
How can I temporarily borrow a license for a client from the license server?
To borrow a license, do the following:
You cannot borrow licenses on the license server. You can do this only at the clients.
You can only borrow and return a license if the client is connected with the license server.
Computers that are not on the company network must use a VPN connection to access the server.
At the client:
- Open the 'License settings' dialog box: Services application -> Utilities -> License settings.
- Click License selectionon the left. Then click the license you want to borrow so that this license is highlighted in blue.
- If this license is a license server license, the Todayand Borrowbuttons in the 'Borrow license for:' area are no longer grayed out.
- The Todaybutton always shows the preset period of time. The default setting is Today. If you want to change the period of time, click the Todaybutton. You can then choose from various options.
Note: When you select 'Today', the license will be available again for all Allplan users on the server tomorrow.
When you select a number of days, borrowing will always be valid for 24 hours. For example, you borrow a license for 1 day and borrowing starts at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the license will not be available on the server until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The same applies to selecting days on the calendar. - After having specified the correct period, click Borrowto borrow the license at once.
You can immediately see the borrowed license in the license selection below your computer name. Click the green information button to get details about this license. For example, you can see when the borrowed license will automatically be returned to the server.
- If you want to return the license to the server before the time period expires, click the license again so that it is highlighted in blue. The Return licensebutton is now available. Click Return licenseto immediately return the selected license to the server.