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Version:  Allplan 2017, Allplan 2020, Allplan 2018, Allplan 2019, Allplan 2021, Allplan 2016 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:12
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How can I move the "central file storage folder" of an Allplan installation to a new server?


The procedure described below is not approved by Allplan. Do this at your own risk.
You are strongly advised to clarify all issues in advance.
If you are not sure what to do, we recommend that you uninstall and reinstall Allplan or consult technical support.
Always copy a file before you change it.


A. General information
Copy the "central file storage folder" from the old server to the new server.
You can find this folder under a shared folder.
Create the same folder structure and share (including the share name) on the new server, making things easier for you. However, this is not mandatory.

B. Allplan installation with Workgroup Manager

1. Changes on the server
Enter the new server name in the following files on the new server. You can find these files in the NET folder, which is a subfolder of the central file storage folder. You can open the files in an editor and edit them there.

· Enter the server name in CAPITAL LETTERS (also applies to user.cfg and project.dat!), for example, SERVER.
· Do not delete the blanks after the server name.
· If the share name or folder name has changed, you need to enter the new name after the blanks.

· Since Allplan 2014 this file is encrypted and is saved in ANSI format
· Open the files with editor. After the = change the server name to new name, use CAPITAL LETTERS (without any blanks).
· When finished click on file in the left top and chose save file as
· File name: user.cfg
· File type: text file (*.txt)
· Encyryption(Coding): ANSI
· Save

Note: if the server name is not shown in user.cfg please contact us again by sending your fuser.cfg and the new server name.

· Rename the "project.dat.xml" file "project.alt.xml".
· Then go to step "2. Changes on the workstations". Complete the process for one workstation!
· When you have finished, do the following:
Services application -> Service -> Hotline Tools -> reorg -> Restore project management file -> OK

2. Changes on the workstations
On each workstation, you must adjust a value using the registry editor.

Switch to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Nemetschek\Allplan\'version number'\InstallRoot

In the "NetDrive" value, enter the new server name and the new share name, for example, \\SERVER\Nemdata.
In the "NetPath" value, enter changes in the subfolders, for example, \Nemetschek\Allplan.
Together NetDrive and NetPath define the valid path of the "central file storage folder" on the new server, for example, \\SERVER\Nemdata\Nemetschek\Allplan.

C. Allplan installation without Workgroup Manager
If Workgroup Manager is not installed, use the procedure described in B. You can ignore step "1. Changes on the server".

D. In addition: check the licensing system you are using!

Standalone license:
If you run Allplan using standalone licenses, there are no particular issues to bear in mind.

Wibu license server:
If you want to use the license server also on the new server, you need to return the license on the old server. Install license server on new server and activate the license on the new server again. You can find detailed instructions at:

Note: If you want to create an image of the server or virtualize the server, please contact the technical support team.