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Version:  Allplan 2015, Allplan 2014, Allplan 2013 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:56
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How can I move NemSLock Server to a new server?


Reinstalling NemSLock Server

  • Select one of the temporary license files for NemSLock server (for example, 1234567a_001_psd.nslsrv). These licenses are valid for 30 days. However, each license includes only one seat of each configuration purchased. The full number of seats purchased will be available to you as soon as you have installed the registered licenses (see below). If you purchased a configuration for one seat only, you will, of course, receive only one temporary license.
  • When you opt for the “Custom” setup type, you can choose between the following program features:
    You can use this program to administer NemSLock Server. The console can be installed on several workstations. This way, you can administer the server from a number of different locations. However, you can only connect one console to the server at any one time.
    The actual license server.
    This tool analyzes the log files of NemSLock Server.
    User List Generator
    You can use this tool to create the users for NemSLock Server from a text file or based on a server.
    By default, Setup installs all these features.
  • If your license includes configurations for several seats, you need to install the additional temporary license files for NemSLock server after the installation (see below).

Transferring the user administration from the old server (if users are available)

  • You can find the user administration in the program folder of the license server. Copy the "users.mcf" file to the program folder of the new license server.
  • Stop the license server service on the new server before you copy the file. To do this, start the "stopService.bat" program, which is also in the program folder of the license server.
  • After copying, start the license server service again. To do this, use the "startService.bat" program.

Returning the registered licenses

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Console on the old server by clicking the icon on the desktop or Start -> (All) Programs -> NemSLock 2006 Server -> NemSLock 2006 Server Console.
  • Click "Stop server".
  • Click "Modules".
  • Click "Transfer license permanently".
  • Confirm the following dialog boxes. Click “Browse”.Windows Explorer starts and opens the folder with the hcws-format file. Now you can use all the options provided by Windows Explorer: for example, you can attach the file to an email, copy it to a computer with Internet access and so on.Send this file by email to
  • We will send you an email, confirming that we have received the licenses.
  • You always have to return all licenses.
  • After you have done this, they are only valid for two more days.

Registering the license(s) on the new server

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Console on the new license server.
  • Click "Modules" on the left.
  • Select the seat you want to register. If your license contains configurations for several seats, read the notes further down.
  • Click "Registration request (register.txt)".
  • Click "Edit".
  • Fill out all fields marked with an asterisk (*). Make sure you enter your email address correctly, because the registered license file will be sent to this address (and not to the address of the person who sent the registration request!). Click OK to confirm.
  • Click "Create registration request".Windows Explorer starts and opens the folder with the "register.txt" file. Now you can use all the options provided by Windows Explorer: for example, you can attach the file to an email, copy it to a computer with Internet access and so on.Send the registration request by email to

If your license includes configurations for several seats, you must send a separate registration request for each seat. You will then receive a registered license file for each seat. You must install each file.

How to install licenses

  • Open NemSLock 2006 Server Console.
  • Click "Stop server" on the left.
  • Click "Modules" on the left.
  • Click ”Browse” to navigate to the registered license file.
  • Click "Install license file".
  • After this, you can start the server again by clicking "Start server".

Configuring the clients

  • Now you need to change each client to the new license server.
  • Click Start -> (All) Programs -> Nemetschek -> Nemetschek SoftLock 2006 -> License Manager.
  • If the license server window is hidden, click "Configure NemSLock Server"at the bottom. It is a good idea to lock this window. All you need to do is click the drawing pin icon.
  • Enter the computer name or IP address of the license server in the empty box. Then click the "Update” icon to the right.
  • Now the user can select one of the seats provided. Click "Close" to complete the configuration. Now you can start Allplan.
  • After having successfully connected to the license server, clear the check boxes for the trial licenses in the area at the top.


  • If a user selects several configurations for a seat and starts Allplan, the license server will provide the required licenses; in other words, starting Allplan once might require two licenses. Consequently, fewer licenses are available to other users.
  • 2014-1 and later: If the latest version of License Manager is installed (file version 1. 0. 26. 153 or later, see License Manager- Options- System), you can also select several licenses. If one of the selected licenses is currently being used by someone else, the program will automatically select the next available license.
  • Clients communicate with the server by TCP/IP via port 10977. So you need to configure the firewall accordingly.
  • The license server and the licenses are downward compatible; they can be used in conjunction with older Allplan versions.