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 Last modified: 23.04.2024 10:45
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How can I transfer Allplan data to an earlier Allplan version?


To transfer data from Allplan to an earlier version, you have to convert the data first.
In general, only documents (drawing files and NDW files) can be converted to earlier versions.
You can always convert data to three previous versions:

- from Version 2024 to Version 2023, 2022 and 2021

Important information:
Please note that copying drawing files via the external path is no longer possible in ProjectPilot as of Allplan 2024. 
You can therefore only copy drawing files via a separate exchange folder using the Explorer. 
The background to this is that no information about resources, references etc. can be saved in free NDWs.
This functionality has therefore been removed from Allplan via the external path. 

However, if you still want to transfer your drawing files to an older version, you can proceed as described below:

Additional Note:
From version 2024, the exchange of drawings and drawing files is only possible within your own projects using ProjectPilot.
For the exchange with external planning partners who work with Allplan in the same version, please use File --> Export --> Export drawing files / drawings with resources. To import, use File -> Import -> Import drawing files / layouts with resources.

1. Saving, converting and transferring drawing files

1.1 Copy partial images to an exchange folder via the Explorer:

Create an exchange folder locally on your computer in Windows Explorer. Determine the name of your project. 
Then open the PRJ folder under the central file storage in Explorer. You can also open this folder via the Allmenu/Services.  Allmenu/Services -> Service -> Windows Explorer -> Own (or Shared) CAD projects (PRJ). 
Find the required drawing files in your project. Drawing files have the designation tb000xxx.ndw, e.g. drawing file 100 is tb000100.ndw. 
Copy the required drawing files from the project to the exchange folder on your computer.

1.2. Converting drawing files:

To convert the drawing files to the format of the earlier version:
Services application -> File -> Convert drawing files to earlier versions -> Version n(select the version you need).
In the next dialog box, select the folder of the external path, which you noted down in step 1.1.

1.3 Transfer converted drawing files:

If necessary, compress the data in the exchange folder using a packing programme such as Winzip.

You can now transfer this data (drawing files) to the partner with the older version.

2. Transferring data to the earlier version:

2.1. Importing drawing files:

Start the Services application:
Services application -> File -> Restore data to '[Windows user folder]\Nemetschek\Allplan\extern'

2.2. Copying drawing files to the project:

In Allplan, you can use ProjectPilot to copy the drawing files to the required project (since this is still possible in Allplan 2023 and smaller):
File menu -> ProjectPilot (- Admin)
Copy the drawing files from the external path to the required project.

Now copy the Allplan data from the external path to the desired target (e.g. a project) in ProjectPilot.
To do this, click on the External path entry. If necessary, check the folder set for the external path in ProjectPilot with the right mouse button Select external path... that this is also set to External.
Select the drawing files subfolder in the external path. The drawing files are displayed on the right-hand side.
Right-click on the desired drawing file(s) and copy them via right mouse button (context menu) -> Copy to... to the desired destination. The destination can be selected in the Project field.
If the gaps in the drawing file numbering are to be retained, please select Analogue source, otherwise select the target entry and confirm with OK.
The desired data is now in the selected destination folder.