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Version:  Allplan |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 14:42
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How can I fix bugs in Microsoft .NET Framework components?


This is a Windows problem. The procedure described is not supported by Allplan. You do this at your own risk.
If you are not sure, give these instructions to your system administrator.


Online repairing of .NET Framework up to and including version 4.8

Open the support site of Microsoft:

Microsoft provides a repair tool for fixing .NET Framework up to and including version 4.8.

Download the “NetFxRepairTool.exe” file and save it to any folder on the hard drive of your computer; for example, C:\Repair_NetFramework.
Run the repair tool by right-clicking the “NetFxRepairTool.exe” file and selecting “Run as administrator” on the shortcut menu. By doing this, you can bypass Windows User Account Control.
Click “Yes” at the following prompts.
Follow the instructions of the repair tool.

After the repair routine is complete, a log shows you whether fixing .NET Framework has been successful.

Offline repairing of .NET Framework up to and including version 4.8

Download the “NetFxRepairTool.exe” file from

In addition, download the necessary resources for fixing .NET Framework.
You can download these files from the support site of Microsoft; go to "Offline support".

Download the two files and save them to any new folder on the hard drive of your computer; for example, C:\Repair_NetFramework.

Open the Command Prompt window as an administrator.

Enter the following commands one after another. Confirm each command by selecting Enter.

cd\ [Enter]

cd Repair_NetFramework [Enter]

NetfxRepairTool.exe /addsource C:\Repair_NetFramework [Enter]

The tool repairs .NET Framework.

After the repair routine is complete, a log shows you whether fixing .NET Framework has been successful.

If this does not repair .NET Framework on your computer, try the .NET Framework cleanup tool on the support site of Microsoft.

Download the .NET Framework cleanup tool from

After running the .NET Framework cleanup tool, you must reinstall the .NET Framework components removed by the cleanup tool.