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Version:  Allplan 2023, Allplan 2024, Allplan 2018, Allplan 2021, Allplan 2022, Allplan 2020, Allplan 2019, Allplan 2017, Allplan 2016 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 11:03
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What are the differences between a major release, a service release and a hotfix?


Major release

The major release is the first release of a new version.
You can download it from the homepage.

Download: -> Download -> Software packages
(requires login details for Allplan Connect)

Name (example):
Allplan 2015

Service release

A service release is a collection of improvements to the program, including all the service releases and hotfixes that have been released until now. In addition to improvements, it may also include new features.
You can also use a service release for a new installation or an upgrade (from a previous version).
You can download it from the homepage.
New customers get it as a DVD. Serviceplus customers get it on request.
In addition, they automatically get information about service releases.

Download: -> Download -> Software packages
(requires login details for Allplan Connect)

Name (example):
Allplan 2015-1


A hotfix is an improvement to the program that will automatically be installed by Allplan Update.
The basis for the installation is a specific major release or service release.
Hotfixes are installed one after the other in the correct order, that is to say, first Hotfix 2015-1-1 and then Hotfix 2015-1-2.

Allplan automatically installs available hotfixes when it starts.

You can find more information on hotfixes in the following FAQ:


Install program updates as soon as they are available.