Vos FAQ et nos réponses

Depuis de nombreuses années, notre équipe technique répond à de nombreuses questions sur Allplan et toutes les réponses sont stockées dans la base de données FAQ.

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2 Résultats:

Modification de l'interface

Version:  Allplan 2019, Allplan 2018, Allplan 2020, Allplan 2021, Allplan 2022, Allplan 2023, Allplan 2024  | Dernière modification: 04.04.2024 10:42


Depuis Allplan 2018, une nouvelle disposition d'interface appelée ACTIONBAR est affichée ; bien que plus ergonomique et pratique que ses prédécesseurs, elle nécessite une réappropriation pouvant être gênante. Pour pallier à cette problématique, vous pouvez basculer allplan sous ses anciennes interface.

Nota : Les palettes sont amenées à disparaître de l'affichage, nous vous conseillons de pratiquer avec l'ACTIONBAR.


Etape 1 : Cliquez sur le dernier symbole de la barre de menu haute, un menu déroulant apparaît, cliquez sur "Dérouler la barre de menus".


Etape 2 : Cliquez sur "Affichage" puis "Configurations standard" et enfin sélectionnez "Configuration palettes".


Allplan im Homeoffice

Version:  Allplan 2021, Allplan 2022, Allplan 2020, Allplan 2018, Allplan 2019, Allplan 2024, Allplan 2023  | Dernière modification: 27.02.2024 10:53


Comment puis-je télétravailler avec Allplan sans direct connection LAN vers un server de données commun?


1. Working from home with direct access to the central data

If you want to work together on projects, you can use Allplan Share, Allplan’s cloud solution, to work with Allplan without a LAN connection to the central file storage folder. This is only possible if Allplan is installed as a standalone version on a computer without access to a central file storage folder; otherwise, Allplan does not start. If the computer is part of a workgroup installation, the computer must be checked out and used outside the LAN (like a standalone workstation). Data access is via cloud services.
This is only possible if you use Allplan Share for cloud storage.

Working with Allplan Share is just as simple as working at a standalone workstation. You and several other users can access and edit a project at the same time.

To get more information on Allplan Share, use the following link or contact your sales partner:


You can also find further information on Allplan Connect; use the following link:



VPN is not useful for common project storage.
Allplan exchanges many files with the data server. VPN uses advanced encryption, which considerably slows down data transfer.
A connection via VPN is not approved for Allplan because data might get damaged even if the connection is interrupted only briefly. In addition, working over the internet is extremely slow if the internet connection is not fast enough (at least 100 Mbit).
Allplan does not support a VPN connection with IPv6; Allplan detects only IPv4.
Make sure that the VPN connection does not switch to sleep mode.

Please note that we cannot provide support for this constellation.

2. Working from home without access to the central file storage (working locally):

2.1 Allplan with workgroup manager:

If workgroup manager is included in your license, you can check out a computer or laptop with projects from the workgroup environment. You can then work from home without access to the server. The projects on the computer or laptop that is checked out are locked for the CAD users on the network. These users see the comment you entered when you checked out the computer.

You can find instructions at


When you use a license server, you can get the license via a VPN connection or borrow the license beforehand:


2.2 Allplan without workgroup manager:

Using the office computer
If you have neither workgroup manager nor network access, you must uninstall Allplan and install it again by specifying the local paths. To work with a project, you must back it up and then import it to the local installation.

Using a new (private) computer
If you want to use a new computer to work from home, you must return the license at the office computer and then use this license to install Allplan on the new computer.

We recommend that you do not mix data from the office computer and the private computer. Merging data later involves considerable time and effort.

Use the following link to find out how to transfer projects:


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