Forum de la communauté Allplan

[Question] SweepXYSection doesnt work with a closed 3D polyline


I want to use a L-Profile from the catalog and sweep it along a Closed Polyline, when the Profile is on the inside of the line it doesnt work when the polyline is closed.

I get the next message "SweepXYSection: Not possible to sweep the profile by the path"

It does work when the line is not closed or the profile is is on the outside of the line.

Does anyone know how i can solve this?

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I don't have the problem with simple closed profile. Can you check whether your geometry is valid for such sweep operation?

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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I use a Profile from the Default Allplan libary. it works with a circel and when its outside a closed polyline. Just not when it is inside it.

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If the path is a circel but not when it is a rectangle and its inside the path

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Hmm... You are right and it is weird...
As a workaround you can lift you cross section a little bit, it seems to work.

P.S. make sure it has a positive z value, a negative one also won't work...

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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It works if I lift it 100mm or more. It didnt work at the start because I work in mm.

Thanks for the help.