Forum de la communauté Allplan

[Question] Widht of meshes [Résolu]

1. Allplan offers a maximum widht of meshe of 2.2 m. Can a meshe of 2.3 m be entered?

Thanks in advance

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Go to Tools, Defaults.... (Alati, Definicije....) and choose Cross-section catalogs (Katalozi presjeca).
Check / Edit catalogs for meshes, you probably have 6 x 2,2m meshes.

EC2, xoxoxo
Check this out:

Hi Faris,

You can define custom mesh type and size in Cross-section catalogs. If your local mesh manufacturer can deliver 2,3m wide mesh, than create a custom cross-section catalog that corresponds to mesh sizes in your country.

See Online Help for more:

Take the Mesh Q-524-A then you get it

Gruß Jürgen
Allplan V10 bis V2024

Cité par Allplan_er
Take the Mesh Q-524-A then you get it

I haven't Q-524-A

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witch version you have? 2018? German?
the meshes are in the Europe EC2- catalog....

Gruß Jürgen
Allplan V10 bis V2024


Go to Tools, Defaults.... (Alati, Definicije....) and choose Cross-section catalogs (Katalozi presjeca).
Check / Edit catalogs for meshes, you probably have 6 x 2,2m meshes.

EC2, xoxoxo
Check this out:

Cité par JohanC

Go to Tools, Defaults.... (Alati, Definicije....) and choose Cross-section catalogs (Katalozi presjeca).
Check / Edit catalogs for meshes, you probably have 6 x 2,2m meshes.
EC2, xoxoxo
Check this out: