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Version:  Allplan 2024, Allplan 2020, Allplan 2017, Allplan 2019, Allplan 2022, Allplan 2016, Allplan 2021, Allplan 2023, Allplan 2018 |  Last modified: 27.02.2024 12:13
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Suddenly, one of the following error messages pops up: "This license is no longer available", "CmActLicense runtime system is not installed!" or "NemAll_DataResource20.dll: Start Error 102". After this, Allplan does not start anymore. How can I solve this problem?


The local Windows service, which is used by licensing, is not running correctly.

If communication with the local Wibu service is blocked, Allplan cannot find the license anymore. This is often caused by the virus scanner.
So you need to exclude the "Codemeter" folder from virus scans.
You can find this folders in the following path:
C:\Program files (X86)\Codemeter
C:\Program files\Codemeter

Then restart the service:

Start CodeMeter Control Center.
To do this, use the Windows start menu and select CodeMeter -> CodeMeter Control Center. As an alternative, open Search by clicking the Search button on the Start screen and enter Codemeter.

CodeMeter Control Center -> Process -> Start CodeMeter Service
If the service is running, stop it and restart it.

Important note:

Follow this link to find out how to configure the virus scanner in conjunction with real-time scanning. Exclude all Allplan folders with their subfolders from virus scans. You can display the paths to the Allplan folders in the Services application window.