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[Frage] Section and views, engineering views

  • Section
  • And
  • Views
  • Engineering

Hello everyone!

I would like to ask you about help if anyone knows the solution.
I have tried create engineering views in Allplan using the Python but the only way I can create these views is Architectural ones. Below, I am showing you my attempt:

In my opinion to obtain this kind of views I am looking for this parameter (IsAdvancedOn) should be changed to True

from here :Link

At very star I had initialized the section definition data like in attachment 1, then I have assigned this data to the newly created view.
This is not working as I predicted and that is why I wanted to ask you if I have not implemented this correctly or maybe this parameter I switched is not responsible for chaning views from Arch. to Engineering?

Thank you in advance for any help

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In which version you would like to create engineering views? They has been deprecated generally in Allplan, but I can't remember now, in which version exactly. They were represented by the class NemAll_PythonBasisElements.AssociativeViewElement. You may still find the example script in ...\Etc\PythonPartsExampleScripts\InteractorExamples. However, I would strongly suggest to use UVS (Unified views and sections, the architectural ones) for future compatibility with Allplan.

By setting IsAdvancedOn to True you will not change from UVS to Engineering view. In fact, this option should always be set to True.
There are also other options of the ViewSectionElement or related objects, that you should not use. We will remove them from the API, as they either have no effect or makes no sense.

Here are the properties, whose change has no effect on the final result:

  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionData.HeightDirection
  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.ViewInputType
  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.SectionType
  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionGeneralProperties.PlacementPointType

And here are the properties ,whose behavior might be unintuitive

  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionData.SectionBody - please do not assign anything to this property, as it leads to crash.
  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.IsAdvancedOn - always set to True
  • AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.RefMode - this property works only, if the above is set to true

Why do you want to use the Engineering view? What functionality is missing in the UVS, that makes your goal unreachable with them?

Best regards,

Let's suppose that I've created a SP or PP with an UVS and I've labeled the reinforcement manually when I'll go to the PP interface and modify them to get new geomery this labels will disappear. This issue doesn't appear with Engineering views. Additionaly, my office standard is full of this kind of views that even if I would like to change drawing method I can't.

Btw. I assume that You are one of a developer kinda related with Allplan. Are you going to stay on this forum for longer to help a little?

I'll check the way you've described in free time.

Thank for help.


which Allplan version are you using? The current version is trying to recreate as many reinforcement labels as possible after the modification of a PythonPart. So the workflow, as you described, should be possible. But it wasn't always the case, especially at the beginning of the implementation of UVS for the reinforcement. So you might have problems with e.g. 2020. I just tried it out in 2024 and it worked.

I assume that You are one of a developer kinda related with Allplan. Are you going to stay on this forum for longer to help a little?

I am not a software developer, but I am Allplan employee. One of my tasks is to support the users regarding questions to Python API. So I guess the answer is yes, I will stay a bit longer on the forum to help. The long answer time for your question is just due to my vacation