In which version you would like to create engineering views? They has been deprecated generally in Allplan, but I can't remember now, in which version exactly. They were represented by the class NemAll_PythonBasisElements.AssociativeViewElement. You may still find the example script AssoFromWallInteractor.py in ...\Etc\PythonPartsExampleScripts\InteractorExamples. However, I would strongly suggest to use UVS (Unified views and sections, the architectural ones) for future compatibility with Allplan.
By setting IsAdvancedOn to True you will not change from UVS to Engineering view. In fact, this option should always be set to True.
There are also other options of the ViewSectionElement or related objects, that you should not use. We will remove them from the API, as they either have no effect or makes no sense.
Here are the properties, whose change has no effect on the final result:
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionData.HeightDirection
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.ViewInputType
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.SectionType
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionGeneralProperties.PlacementPointType
And here are the properties ,whose behavior might be unintuitive
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionData.SectionBody - please do not assign anything to this property, as it leads to crash.
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.IsAdvancedOn - always set to True
- AllplanBasisElements.SectionDefinitionProperties.RefMode - this property works only, if the above is set to true
Why do you want to use the Engineering view? What functionality is missing in the UVS, that makes your goal unreachable with them?
Best regards,