Forum Allplan

Reference planes and openings incorrect behavior

  • Allplan 2019-1
  • Reference planes

Using reference planes on base slabs the first opening is created correctly but the second, third etc. are not punching trough the base slab.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

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thank you for the feedback.
This problem was fixed in Allplan 2019-1.

S pozdravom | Best regards | Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Martin Mikus
Product Manager Allplan Architecture


As you can see above I intentionally added the Allplan 2019-1 tag to the topic, because it is happening right in that version.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

The situation is the same when you not use the Default planes for a slab. The first opening correctly uses the custom bottom and top height settings while the second, third etc. openings use the Default planes for height settings.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Allegati (1)

Type: image/png
7 scaricato
Size: 26,49 KiB