Forum de la communauté Allplan

[Question] Incorrect length after node 'VectorNormalize'

After using 'VectorNormalize', the input length does not match the output length. It is a small difference, but when I use the node 'DivisionPointsByLength' after the node 'VectorNormalize' some endpoints are missing (when the line is shorter than it should be).

Is there a solution for this problem?

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I'm not sure, whether there is a solution for this. Because this is the nature of a double value. I need to ask the team about that.

Meanwhile, you can also explain, what exactly you want to do. Maybe we can find a solution, which handles this tolerance much better and avoid such problems.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH


If this is possible with VS, the values obtained should simply be rounded to 4 or 5 decimal places.

Hi, what is the "watch list" menu that you have on the right of your screen?

I have the "palette design" menu instead.

Cité par Bertrand_C
If this is possible with VS, the values obtained should simply be rounded to 4 or 5 decimal places.

Thanks for the suggestion. If possible, We will consider bringing a setting into VS Editor or into the PythonPart script to allow user to define that by himself.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Hi, what is the "watch list" menu that you have on the right of your screen?
I have the "palette design" menu instead.

That's a new feature, which we still need to polish. But if you want to try that, please follow the instruction from this post.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH