Forum de la communauté Allplan

IFC Import von ArchiCAD zu Allplan

  • 2013

Hallo Zusammen,
Beim Laden von, von Archicad V.16 erstellten, IFC Dateien ergibt sich folgendes Problem: Wandobjekte, welche in Archicad durch Element Operationen wie zB einer Dachanpassung bearbeitet wurden, lassen sich in Allplan nicht mehr als Wandobjekte bearbeiten. Wie koennen solche Elemente in Allplan wieder als Wandobjekte definiert werden um Zugang zu den Wandeigenschaften zu bekommen?
Vielen Dank, Martin


In Allplan 2015 We have the same problem. Do you solve it?

Best regards,
Xavier C.A.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •


it depends also on the Geometry, which elements are created in Allplan. Normally, a wall can be created as wall in Allplan. But I assume, that Geometry for this Wall in IFC File is so called BREP-Geometry, means only faces of a Body are described. In this case, the Import has to create normal 3D Bodies. Also if e.g. the Wall in IFC has correct Extrusion Geometry, but you have openings or niches which are defined with BREP, the Wall cannot be created as Wall, we have to create 3D Body also. These bodies are already enriched with architectural attributes and there is no Chance to convert them to wall.

Best Regards,

Product Manager Allplan Cloud & Bimplus, Allplan GmbH