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[Question] Multiple script files [Résolu]

I'm trying to create a pythonparts script and it's getting quite long. I tried to separate my script into multiple python files, but it didn't work out of the box. Is there any possible way to make my python classes into separate files for a pythonparts script ?

So for 1 pip file I want to have multiple script but as far as I know i can only have 1 <Name>scriptPath</Name> tag in your pyp not multiple.

Thanks for your answer in advance.

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1) py

You can call function from another file with :

# importing
from test import *

2) pyp

You can include some other files (*.incpyp) too with :

#include test.incpyp



1) py

You can call function from another file with :

# importing
from test import *

2) pyp

You can include some other files (*.incpyp) too with :

#include test.incpyp
