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[Frage] Working with GetEdge-Node [Gelöst]

Hey everyone,

I want to use the <GetEdge> node to take over the edge of a three-dimensional object in order to attach components to it. During input, I select the edge via the index. However, this index changes when I change the input parameters in my script. What could be the reason for this and how can I solve the problem?

Best regards,


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Hi Marco,

inside a 3D object the edge index is not unique. It depends on the input parameter and the functions, which are used to create the object.

Maybe we can think about a node, which can select the edge by a point (if you are able to get the point for the edge selection).

Best regards,

Hi Marco,

inside a 3D object the edge index is not unique. It depends on the input parameter and the functions, which are used to create the object.

Maybe we can think about a node, which can select the edge by a point (if you are able to get the point for the edge selection).

Best regards,

Hi Horst,

thank you for your answer. I found out that when you have two connected lines and they have the same inclination, Allplan reduces them to one line. When you use the <Edge index> - node afterwards, the index changes and you get this kind of error.
I solved this problem by reducing the inclination of one line by adding - 0,001 %.

Best regards,
