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[Frage] Reinforcement "Not initialized yet"

I've noticed that the reinforcement nodes have as results the message "Not initialized yet".
This is usually not a problem with command like move, mirror or rotate, but I see that is a problem with the Layer or format assignement node.

Is there a way to fix this error?

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There must be some bugs there. Usually, "Not initialized yet" will be shown, if a node hasn't been evaluated. But in your case, the node state is green, which means it was evaluated successfully, but it doesn't seem to be true...

I would suggest finding out, if input values are valid for creating such bar placement first.

We will also continue improving the node state and the tooltip messages.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

I think that the values are valid because I always create a bar at the end of the script, without any other issue.
The only issue that I found is with the assignement of a layer to a reinforcement object, that doesn't work at all.

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