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[Frage] Profile Wall Extrude on polyline (rectangular)

  • Visual
  • Scripting
  • Extrude
  • Onpath

How modified tapered wall profile can be extruded on rectangular (polyline) such that it become closed tank structure through visual script? Bottom slab be added later. I had tried to do it but could not get success. I had attached python file and drawing for reference.

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That is actually a great exercise to get start with VS. XD

I just create a simple script for you to achieve that. Please check attached

The idea is to create the cross-section first in Allplan, and use VS to create the object based on that with sweep. The cross-section must be 3D curves. Currently, it won't work with 2D curves. Please check attached TaperedWall.gif.

The script can only create a closed polygon as a path, if you want to use a polyline with open end, please replace the node Polygon3DInnput with the node Polyline3DInput. Please check PolylinePolygon.png.

By the way, the xml file you attached is only a localization file. The script is actually pyp file. As the forum currently don't allow to upload a pyp file, please pack it into a zip file and upload the zip file instead.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Typ: image/gif
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Typ: image/png
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Größe: 169,57 KiB


Thank you very muck.

I am sure, it will solve issue and it is better method.

I am requesting you to upload MP4 file (through screen recorder) instead of Taperedwall.gif, as gif file can not download and somehow, it very out of screen (zoom). It will be much helpful.


Zitiert von: Atul
Thank you very muck.
I am sure, it will solve issue and it is better method.
I am requesting you to upload MP4 file (through screen recorder) instead of Taperedwall.gif, as gif file can not download and somehow, it very out of screen (zoom). It will be much helpful.

Could please try first right click on the gif and choose to save the image? After that you should be able to view that downloaded file in any picture viewer.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Dear Xiling,

Yes, I could able download GIF and achieved the model as req.


Atul Thakor

Dear Xiling,

How can I provide the attributes like trade, calculationmode, material, priority in visual script through node?

I could able to find to add format node after it, it become element. I am not able to find such node. I have tried few but it do not allow to connect.

Zitiert von: Atul
Dear Xiling,
How can I provide the attributes like trade, calculationmode, material, priority in visual script through node?
I could able to find to add format node after it, it become element. I am not able to find such node. I have tried few but it do not allow to connect.

It depends on what you actually what to do:

  • If you want to add attributes to the PythonPart-object, which will be generated by the script itself, please check the example "Attributes\LabelNodePortsAsAllplanUserAttributes.pyp". But as far as I know, it works only with user-defined attributes.
  • if you want to add attributes to any existing object in Allplan, please check the example "ModelObjects\Modification\AssignAttributes.pyp"

If you don't know where are examples, please check the screenshot (LocationExamples.png) attached.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Typ: image/png
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