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[Frage] BarAreaPlacement [Gelöst]

  • Allplan 2022
  • [AIDP-158244]

Hi, I'm testing the BarAreaPlacement VS example, and I've notice that there is a problem with the z coord of the element.
In fact if I set at zero the "Edge offset z", the rebar has a concrete cover that is 4.5 cm and not zero. Can someone check if is it a bug?

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Hi Daniele,

now I have found the problem. There is a data conflict with the concrete cover from the Allplan area placement.

Sorry for the problem, it will be fixed in 2022-0-7.

Best regards

Hi Daniele,

I cannot reproduce the problem. Do you get the correct z coordinate when you have entered a non-zero value?

Best regards

No, there is always a difference that now is 5 cm.
I can show you the problem in the attached image.
For the moment I've created a script with an additional variables that correct this 5 cm.

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Hi Daniele,

did you get the problem with different walls?

Maybe you can attach the drawing file, so I can check the problem with your data.

Best regards

I'm using the VS with a foundation and not with a wall, so I'm drawing a polyline to select the area for bars placement

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Hi Daniele,

now I have found the problem. There is a data conflict with the concrete cover from the Allplan area placement.

Sorry for the problem, it will be fixed in 2022-0-7.

Best regards

Thank you Horst! I'm happy to hear that

Hi Daniele,

one additional info for the use of the BarAreaPlacement VS (maybe you know it):

The input of the placement polygon can also be done inside a 3D view. So it's possible to create bar reinforcement directly in the 3D model!

Best regards

It's true, is really useful also for walls and roofs