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[Frage] Layout User Attributes [Gelöst]

  • [AIDP-230658]

Hello all,

I am generating a pythonpart which automaticly fills attributes in Allplan.

Now I'm wondering if it is possible to fill the 'Layout User Attributes' automaticly using the API?

I'm aware of the 'NemAll_Python_BaseElements.ElementsAttributeService' and for e.g. if I change the Attribute ID: 12000 (equals to the Layout User Attributes #1) nothing happens at my lay-out/drawing.

Let me know if there is a possibility.


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Currently Python API is not capable of manipulating layout attributes. But this is a feature, we are seriously considering to implement, so thanks for your feedback! This helps us recognize, that there is high interest for this feature.

ElementsAttributeService can only manipulate the attributes of the model elements, that is why ElementsAttributeService.



Currently Python API is not capable of manipulating layout attributes. But this is a feature, we are seriously considering to implement, so thanks for your feedback! This helps us recognize, that there is high interest for this feature.

ElementsAttributeService can only manipulate the attributes of the model elements, that is why ElementsAttributeService.


Hi Bart,

That would be great to implement in the future! thanks for the fast reply

Kind regards,

Hi, I'm looking forward for the same thing!
It would be interesting to have the possibility to read a csv or xls file with the drawing list and assign the attributes automatically in Allplan