Support Forum

[Frage] Massive error in Alpplan. Impossible to work. Anybody experiencing same problem?

  • Allplan

We have allplan 2024 updated to latest version, with serviceplus support. We have already contacted the wonderful allplan team, and they are already on this problem. At the moment we cannot work properly with allplan, and we are just wondering if anybody experienced this problem before:

When working with slice section or when activating printing layouts manager, a crash window emerges stating:

An error ocurred during GT_Atributeobserver::Uptade...

No se ha accedido a un objeto no definido (Un puntero inteligente es NULO). Tipo: CNOI_DBObject

In our architectural studio, this route: Y:\Interfaces\NemAll_DataNOI\NemAll_NOI_BASE_Objects\ never existed. No clue were it comes from. This window strikes repetively for 20-30 times. It is not possible to click a box "do not show again". Result, I waste lot of time clicking that crash box, again and again. Anybody experienced a similar problem?

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Hola apg
Has probado a realizar un cleanstd, cleanreg, clenaup y delsmtcahe?
De los tres primeros puedes guardar las configuraciones y una vez realizados cargar tus datos guardados.


Hi apg
Have you tried performing a cleanstd, cleanreg, clenaup and delsmtcahe?
You can save the settings for the first three and load your saved data once you've done them.
