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[Frage] Reports for precast Elements

Hello, everyone.
I have a floor with precast walls. When I select such wall its reinforcement become selected too.
I think that reinforcement is associated with Precast wall, because when I delete the wall, its reinforcement deletes too

How can I get reinforcement for each wall in one report to get list structure like this:

------Reinf POS #1 ------
------Reinf POS #2 ------
------Reinf POS #3 ------
------Reinf POS #1 ------
------Reinf POS #2 ------
------Reinf POS #3 ------
------Reinf POS #M ------

May be Allplan has some hidden attr for reinforcement which points to parent object like my walls?
May be construction PARENT(@attr_num@) can reveal association between wall and its reinfrocement?

Please give me some ideas how can I solve my problem

Thank you for answers.


can you provide the drawing files so we can check your precast elements?

You have to create a table in table with parentattributes. Is this solved already?