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[Frage] Hole

Hi, does anyone know how to make the hole marked in red in the attached sketch?

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hey Danilos,

try the polygonal niche,recess,slot... function (no idea if this is correctly translated into English ;) )

Viele Grüße


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there is a lintel function, but i am not sure if it suits your needs. because the Cross-sectional shape is always a rectangle

Viele Grüße


Zitiert von: Florian_Keim
hey Danilos,
try the polygonal niche,recess,slot... function (no idea if this is correctly translated into English ;) )

Thank you Florian for your indication but in your example there are not the return (jambs+architrave) on window. Look my sketch!

here a drawing file with a one layer wall, maybe i dont understand your sketch ;)

Viele Grüße


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Zitiert von: Florian_Keim
here a drawing file with a one layer wall, maybe i dont understand your sketch ;)

The wall of my sketch is with 3 layers (30cm + 4cm insulating + 1cm plaster)

result is the same

Viele Grüße


Zitiert von: Florian_Keim
result is the same

Hi, sorry if I insist but I don't think it's the same. In my example the 2 external layers (4 and 1 cm) also go inside the window hole (shoulders and architrave made with the "covering" function)

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Hi, does anyone know how to make the hole in the attached sketch so that in the print layout it appears as a sketch OK?

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see attached video

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