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[Frage] Transforming attribute formats [Gelöst]

  • Allplan
  • 2022
  • Label's
  • Format
  • Labels
  • Label
  • Formulas

Dear all,

I would like to create custom labels defined by formulas combining multiple attributes with different formats.
Are there any functions of methods to transform:
1) attributes with integer values to string;
2) attributes with real values to string;
3) values from string attributes to integer;
4) values from string attributes to real?

Most important would be to to combine integer/real values to one textbox.

Thank you in advance.

Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen

For 1. and 2. --> function FORMAT()
For 3. --> function INT() or NINT()
For 4. --> function VALUE() or MIN()

best regards

Allplan Product Owner

For 1. and 2. --> function FORMAT()
For 3. --> function INT() or NINT()
For 4. --> function VALUE() or MIN()

best regards

Allplan Product Owner