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Register "Visual Web Developper 2008 Express" (page not found)


I installed "Microsoft Visual Web developer 2008 " As recommended in the "Step by step " "user-Defined reports ".
But after a period of 30 days it asks for an inscription that can no longer be done because the page is no longer visible.
(Attachment image)

I installed Visual Studio 2017, but it seems that the report with this version is not compatible with Allplan.. (I have a blank page with error)

What should I do?
Is there a solution to use Visual Studio 2017 with "Microsoft RDLC report Designer" and the pages are Allplan compatible.

Thank you

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I found this (mostly german) Forums Topic maybe it helps

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Thanks Jörg!
I forgotten that I found a trick for that...

Thank you very much for your help, I will try this.
Question: 2008-2019 This is over 10yrs already and there is no update scheduled for use of the RDLC Report with current tool like Visual Studio 2017 as for example Pythonpart? Is this a forget that will be corrected soon?
Thank you.

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I did not test it, but bertrand wrote in the past:

The actual version of Visual Studio (like Visual Studio Community 2015) allows to work on RDLC files but the language version is newer. Then, I tried with one RDLC file (Allplan BCM - Quantity) and it seems to work fine.

in an other german topic i read, this additional infos

The latest Visual Studio Community 2017 is NOT working because of a change in RDLC Output
Some Features like "Grouping" are missing in Visual Studio Community 2015

Allplan Webentwicklung

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