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parametric - curved walls

hey people,
anyone know how to create parametric walls?

thanks maria

Altough I've seen this post on allplan connect. I'll answer this too for everyone else.

To make parametric objects you need allplan 2012. You need to search the "New features in allplan 2012" or other manuals which will show how to "activate" the icons you need to create parametric objects.

They are not perfect, they may have some errors but these are some smartparts objects created by me with a curtain wall, curve curtain wall, and a curve wall (or tube).

If you have allplan 2012 you can use the smartpart objects which have the extension ".smt" or in some cases import gdl files. To do that just drag and drop the files, or use the smarpart catalogue library. Also on the allplan connect site there are a collection of smartparts with furniture or 3d text objects.

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