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[Frage] How do I make a custom title block

  • Layout

I want to make a title block to use in my layouts that automates things like drawing number, project number etc. Allplan comes standard with a few title blocks but I would like te convert the old "dumb" title block to a easier maintainable one.

I've been succesful in using the labelstyle function to save it in folder 7 or 8 but when I go to the layout editor I can't select in the title block function?

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Hello fellow Dutch Allplan User,

I think you are you are selecting a "Legend" or "Legende" here, but you actually need to select a "Label" or Bijschrift. I prefer to do it via page setup. For a label style to work you'll need a layout border. Please take a look at the attached screenshots.

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I got that working. If I understand correctly the title blocks are not being used unless you use the default allplan blocks?