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Facae problem...

I have a little problem with facades in Allplan 2009 - I can't assign any material to different objects of facade. Everything is displayed in color blue 3, no matter what I'm changing in facade options - due to this, I can't change glass material in surface settings in animation window, cause everything is the same material, so if I set this color to glass material, every single element of the facade turns invisible aswell. What can I do about it?

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Hi Jakub,

why are you still using Allplan 2009 if Allplan 2012 is free available for you here. The function Facade has changed very much since Version 2009 and I think, especially concerning your question, it would be much easier to do the design with the latest Allplan version.

If there are no software or hardware restriction against it, you will find all the informations and the download here under SOFTWARE. Or if you don´t like to upgrade, what about a parallel instalation of Allplan 2012 to your Allplan 2009 and have a look.

Regards, Martin

Actually, hardware check (one that's available to download on this website) tells me that my graphic card is too weak, and a friend who's using Allplan 2011 says that it actually needs a good graphic card, so I haven't been trying to upgrade yet.

Hi Jacub,

you can use different colors for different elements also when you create facades in Allplan 2009. But there are some things you should know:

[First]If you like to see the different colors you use for drafting elements please check if the Color stand for pen setting within the function Show/Hide is disabled.

If the setting is enabled you will see instead of th color of the elements the color which is automatically assigned to the Pen Thickness used for the element.

[Second]If you like to select different colors for different facade elements open the function Facade und select the dialog for the object definitions. You will find three sliders for three different types of objects.

If you activate for instance the slider for Surface objects you can select first the object (like glasfield] and then an element belonging to this object.

In the next step you can select at the bottom of th dialog a Display color and a fill colour. In Allplan 2012 you can also select here a meterial for the animation here.

The same principle can be used also for different elements in the dialog of the slider linear objects for elements like muntins and so on.

After you selected the color you like you can use these different colors to assign different Suface Settings for the animation This method can be used also in Allplan 2009.

I hope this short discription will help you to continue.

Regards, Martin