Support Forum


Hey everybody,
I’ve got the following problem: If I create a own new layer in Allplan, set this one as active and draw a wall, the program automatically switches to the layer of the walls. Does anybody know how to change the settings that way, so I can draw within my created layer?

best regards

Dear Urella

After creating the layer you have to activate it in the settings for the wall, register “format properties”.
It’s the latest change in settings and remains active then. Please note that there should be no checkmark in the global options register “Miscellaneous” (see pic 2).


Anhänge (2)

Typ: image/jpeg
461-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 18,78 KiB
Typ: image/jpeg
655-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 20,69 KiB

Thank's for help!


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