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[Frage] Reports - how to Export all allplan attributes in only one xlsx file

  • Allplan 2020
  • Reports

Hi all,

With reports export to xlsx, we are trying to export all allplan attributes from element, but it seems to be limited to around of 100 attributes as maximum.

Is it possible to export more than this value, in order to perform an export of all allplan attributes of the elements? Allplan have around 2000-3000 attributes available, and we would like to export all them.

Thanks a lot!
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

11 - 13 (13)

Thanks a lot Nemo, for your feedback!

Well, some days ago, I was testing ModelInspector. It's a powerfull tool for to do a lot of processes. But I can't list some attributes, like IFC ID or Center of gravity (necessary for us, in order to anañyse and review Buiding and Infrastructure project data).

By now, our scope is analyse all Allplan attributes is to analyse, not modify them (by now, maybe in future, we will start to modify massive, using ModelInspector tool).

Mmmmm.... I just did a fast test, and your are right! with multiple select, I can export a report of more than 200 attributes! superb! thanks Nemo!

Before to create my super rdlc file of all attributes, I did a little test in order to understand how Reports works with multiple select, but I did something incorrect:

- Image Uni_Select.png: I created a report with 4 attributes, in one select. It's ok.
- Image Mult_Select.png: I created another report, with 4 attributes, separated in two select. I think that I did something wrong in "From" options.. because I would like to export a multi-select RDLC, with similar structure of data like in "Uni-select" RDLC.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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I don't know if this is the right approach, attributes that allplan hasn't declared visible to be read at any price.

What do you hope to achieve?
What use are attributes and their values to you, whose meaning you do not know?
Not every attribute makes sense for every object!

The evaluation via the user-defined report forces an allocation/calculation of the attribute value,
which is not always intended by allplan developers!

I wouldn't touch that!

BTW: A column has 29 Attributes per default (without user defined attributes)!

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Thanks Nemo, to explain the risks, and I appreciate your help a lot.

From several years a go, we do a lot of I+D+i in other softwares, and from my point of view and based on my experience, the best way to explode all the possibilities of a software, it's to know all about them, surfing inside his data and relationships. We are very curious ;-P

I'm agree with you about the risk to do it, there is a lot of casuistics. By now, we only want to view the data ;-D

Thanks for your help, Nemo!
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

11 - 13 (13)