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[Frage] Reports - how to Export all allplan attributes in only one xlsx file

  • Allplan 2020
  • Reports

Hi all,

With reports export to xlsx, we are trying to export all allplan attributes from element, but it seems to be limited to around of 100 attributes as maximum.

Is it possible to export more than this value, in order to perform an export of all allplan attributes of the elements? Allplan have around 2000-3000 attributes available, and we would like to export all them.

Thanks a lot!
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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The Plugin Model-Inspector can export Attributes directly to Excel-file without limitations. You don't need to define a report for this.

I could not find a limitation of the number of attributes in the Excel output. I have used the default report "General Object Attributes.rdlc" .

Zitiert von: Usr
The Plugin Model-Inspector can export Attributes directly to Excel-file without limitations. You don't need to define a report for this.

Thanks USR for your response!

Mmmm... interesting. Report tool can export very interesting internal attributes of every element, for example: IFC_ID , Clear_height , Center_of_gravity_X and so on...

If I choose an element, for example a column with attributes by default, Report extract around 148 attributes.. some of them very useful.

Can "Model-Inspector" export all the attributes of an element, like report tool does?

Thanks a lot!
Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Zitiert von: Nemo
I could not find a limitation of the number of attributes in the Excel output. I have used the default report "General Object Attributes.rdlc" .

Hi Nemo! thanks also for your answer!

Well, I just checked it:
- A report with 99 attributes -> Report can export it.
- A Report with more than 99 attributes -> Report can not export it, and it shows a dialog box (see image 001.png)

Xavier Coll

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

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As I Wrote: Do not use a self defined report for this!
Use the predefined Report "Allgemeine Objektattribute.rdlc"!

You Wrote:
"...Report extract around 148 attributes..."

148 is greater than 100 I think!
Where is the Problem?

Hi Nemo,

I think Xavier wants to have all available Attributes reported t oone Excel file.

@ Xavi: I think you need to create a dummy object, and attach all available attributes to it.
Is this what you were looking for?

Greets, Martin

i7 - Win10 - 24GB - ATI FirePro W8100 * Allplan 2023/24 (+Vorläufer) Ing./Workgroup * Allplan user seit V 5

Zitiert von: Nemo
As I Wrote: Do not use a self defined report for this!
Use the predefined Report "Allgemeine Objektattribute.rdlc"!
You Wrote:
"...Report extract around 148 attributes..."
148 is greater than 100 I think!
Where is the Problem?

Hi Nemo, and thank you very much for taking time to answer me :-D

Well, "Allgemeine Objektattribute.rdlc" is a very interesting report, but it only export some attributes of the elements (I think that only export the visible attributes of the Allplan "Attributes" tool). For example, for columns, "Allgemeine Objektattribute.rdlc" only can export 14 attributes. But I just discover, that it seems that there are around 148 attributes for columns.

Well, I explain how I create an excel with more than 99 attributes:
- I created 20 rdlc files. In every file, I configurate it to export 99 atributes.
- After I ended all the process of export those 20 rdlc files, I joined all them in only one excel, in order to analyse wich attributes are more useful for our data management (we work in projects that needs a lot of data, and the data management is very important).

And then, In order to be more effective, I would like to do an agile process, for example, export from only one RDLC all attributes from Allplan elements...

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

Zitiert von: MartinSy
Hi Nemo,
I think Xavier wants to have all available Attributes reported t oone Excel file.
@ Xavi: I think you need to create a dummy object, and attach all available attributes to it.
Is this what you were looking for?
Greets, Martin

Thanks MartinSy for your answer!

Yes, I would like to export all attributes of Allplan in only one excel (all, the 2000-3000 attributes), in order to review for every type of object, which attributes and values have.

In my test, It's not necessary to add attributes to any elements. Allplan elements have attributes that are not showed with "Attribute" tool, but they can be listed with Report tool.

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM •

..if you want to have all attributes (unfiltered), then have a look at ModelInspector.

But caution:
Not all attributes are intended to be read by user.
Some are used internally by Allplan and are not intended for external use or modification!
So be carefull writing back modified attributes!

If you want to do it with report:
Try multiple selects...

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