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[Frage] Project pilot functions in Allpan Share

Hi All,
I ask your help, best practice, regarding Allplan-Share:

Using Allplan-Share there is a need to copy drawing files between projects. At the “classical” Allplan usage with workgroup-manager the Project Pilot offered a wide range of file management options: copy, move, rename…
Using Allplan-Share, which keeps all files in the cloud, seems to be missing such kind of file management.
What is the suggested method in Share to manage drawing files?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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you can use Export Drawing Files with resources and Import it into the Share project with resources. In the Bulding Structure is also possible to import Drawing files but it would be good to use the way export/ import DF with resources if you have Assoications in use.



you can use Export Drawing Files with resources and Import it into the Share project with resources. In the Bulding Structure is also possible to import Drawing files but it would be good to use the way export/ import DF with resources if you have Assoications in use.


It is possible to export Drawing Files with resources and import them into a Share project with resources. There is also the possibility of importing Drawing files into the Building Structure.But it's best to export/import Diagrams with resources if you have Associations.

Using the exporter, you can export Drawing Files with resources and upload them as resources into the Share project. Alternatively, Drawing files can also be imported into the Building Structure. If you have associations, exporting/importing Diagrams will be more efficientmaxifoot