Support Forum

Cannot delete BIMPLUS project

  • BIMplus

Hello, I have some projects in BIMPLUS and in Allplan Share that cannot be deleted. I am administrator of these projects.

I get the messages you see in the images below.
¿How can I delete them?
Thank you

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Zitiert von: sergiferraterarq
Hello, yes! now I could delete the project "M1ALLG01 Proyecto Tesla" in BIMPLUS.
Now the question is, how can I delete other projects that are "in use"? Do I need your resources to do it or is there any way to do it by myself?
Thank you very much

Hello Sergi,

we found the reason for the problem. There was a bug, that project locks were not visible anymore in the lock administration, when the locking user is not project a member anymore. With the next hotfix 2019-0-5, which will be available mid of March, this should be solved.

So, to sum up, this was the case:

  • You created some projects, and added users as project members

  • Perhaps one of the users had stopped the Allplan process by task manager or had some crash

  • This caused that some locks on drawing files or layouts were still there (this is a security issue and needed)

  • You removed the user from the project

-> The user lock was still there, but not visible in "Administar información de bloqueo"

So with the next hotfix, the locks will be visible there, although the user was removed from the project. You can then delete the locks, and if no file of the project is locked, the project itself can be deleted.

I hope we would help you with that issue.

Best regards,

Thank you so much. I think I have some other projects with the same issue. Can I go back to you to delete them?
Thanks again


Zitiert von: sergiferraterarq
Thank you so much. I think I have some other projects with the same issue. Can I go back to you to delete them?
Thanks again

Hello Sergi,

it would be better that you wait for the next hotfix, which will be available mid of March. And then you will be able to delete these projects by yourself.

Best regards,

11 - 13 (13)