there are 2 options here which deserves special measures as follows:
1) Drawing reinforcement bars for the bars in other drawing files which you do not want to put in schedule is really time consuming and not so good task, as the reinforcement is already drawn.
2) Using already drawn reinforcement in another drawing file will put it into schedule. I do not know how to avoid it?
For instance, we have reinforcement in walls which is already drawn and presented on another plan, then we have reinforcement in slab which is presented in another plan, but we have the cross section in the slab, where we would like to present also reinforcement of the wall, but not put it into schedule on the plan of the slab as it is already put in schedules on the plan of walls. On the old 2D way you would write in the cross section what sizes of reinforcement in wall are in this cross section, but here I do not know how to solve this issue. I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE REINFORCEMENT OF THE WALL DRAWN AND ANNOTATED, BUT WITHOUT BAR OR MESH NUMBER, JUST TO LET THE BUILDERS KNOW IT IS THERE!
Bottom line:
We would like to have reinforcement on particular plan presented that way, that it would be obvious it is there, but it would not be in the schedule on that particular plan. The reinforcement should be also drawn on a different way so that it would be a difference from scheduled reinforcement on this plan!
Is there any smart way you can solve it in Allplan?
Best Regards, Primoz